Faith Based
Various sized Direct to Film (DTF) decals. 4x4, 6x8, 8x10, 12x12, 14x14 or a gangsheet 24x24,24x48, 24x60, 24x72.
Unashamed Christ follower
Virgen Mary with glitter
Walked by faith
Walked by faith
I'll be back
If you bring up my past you should know that Jesus dropped the charges
I have bad news.
I can do all thigs through Christ
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
I asked god for an angel he sent me my wife
Happiness is a mood
God's word gives life.
Gods face
Way makes miracle worker
Lead me to the rock
With Jesus in her heart and coffee in her hand she is unstoppable
Women of god
God made Jesus saved and southern raised.
God keeps his promises
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